The CaNerdian

Author. Designer. Canadian. Nerd.
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There's been a lot of press coverage of sexism in videogames of late, notably the well-circulated story of Aris Bakhtanians and his sexist ravings, as well as the more recent attacks on Anita Sarkeesian's Kickstarter project.

It's interesting that women's rights have taken on the battleground of videogames, given that video gaming by and large is still a very recent innovation and frontier.  Console gaming only really took off in the 80s, and only in the last decade has online gaming truly come into being as not only a form of social interaction but also as a competitive sport.

The demographic that comprises the videogaming market falls firmly into the "youth" category.  Given that, one would think that the gaming community would be a place of liberal values, but the truth is anything but.  When it comes to finding positive female role models in video games culture, it's a bit like finding that rare line piece in Tetris at just the right moment:  it might look great, it might fit great, but the moment you let it drop the whole thing just tears apart your well built foundation.

She is SO ready to take a hit to her left arm.